Today is the International Day of Friendship. It's also National Cheesecake Day-- seriously, what a day to be alive. To my unbiological sister, thanks for always being there when I am deciding to change my major at 2 am and when I can't decide on what to have for dinner.
Here's 10 things a best friend is good for, shown through the great art form of text messaging:
Here's 10 things a best friend is good for, shown through the great art form of text messaging:
1. To contemplate lifestyle choices.
While you need your BFF to help you from falling onto the deep, dark, path of cheesecake on National Cheesecake Day, it's nice to know she will be there even if you do make a wrong turn.
2. For inspiration and motivation.
Good thing the technology of 2016 has made it possible to share finals week motivation from 1,800 miles away.
3. To provide occasional political updates.
Who needs CNN when you have BFF, am I right?!
4. To have someone familiar with and tolerant of a crazy rehearsal schedule.
And super-duper grateful when you have the rare (and I mean rare) night off.
5. To tell catholic school jokes.
Blessed are the best friends who both attend catholic schools, for they shall inherit the most laughs.
6. To listen to your rambling, random thoughts.
I still don't know if the government would let me name my little boy Potus.
I still don't know if the government would let me name my little boy Potus.
7. To share sweet memories with.
Oh the fashion. Currently planning a worldwide gaucho comeback. Brace yourselves.
Oh the fashion. Currently planning a worldwide gaucho comeback. Brace yourselves.
8. To tell you when enough is enough.
It's important to always find a way to sneak in musical lyrics, especially if they are from the musical that you forced her to be in with you that one time. But also important to have a friend to cut you off when you just can't stop.
It's important to always find a way to sneak in musical lyrics, especially if they are from the musical that you forced her to be in with you that one time. But also important to have a friend to cut you off when you just can't stop.
9. For positive affirmation.
I thought someone had taken her phone when she started quoting the musical that I forced her to be in with me that one time. But then I was relieved to find it was still her when she called Spring Awakening "Spring Sex."
I thought someone had taken her phone when she started quoting the musical that I forced her to be in with me that one time. But then I was relieved to find it was still her when she called Spring Awakening "Spring Sex."
10. To make you simultaneously cry and laugh and puke in your mouth at the pure sappy-cheesy-awesomeness of your friendship.
Through thin and through thick. (Da da da da da). Through sloppy and slick. (Da da da da da).
Through thin and through thick. (Da da da da da). Through sloppy and slick. (Da da da da da).
Happy International Day of Friendship to all the friends out there-- old and new, near and far. You make the world brighter.